Take a Number: The Dreaded Waitlist

First, Relax and Take a Deep Breath It’s that time in the year when a bevy of admissions decisions have been handed out. For better or worse, you’re in or out… or maybe you’re just a “maybe”. If you’ve applied to six or more school this has likely happened to you and you’re trying to … Continue reading

Do you DESERVE an MBA?

Usually it’s not my style to call people out, and I won’t refer to anyone directly in this post, but recently I had two discussions both of the nature of deserved-ness of an MBA. One online and another face-to-face with a colleague. The online conversation was more along the lines of an exchange rather than … Continue reading

Narrowing down schools

So today I’m undertaking the daunting task of narrowing down my expansive list of schools I’d like to apply to. I have a few different factors that I’m considering and my (not-so-short) list looks like this: Harvard Stanford Duke Cornell (Consortium) Columbia NYU (Consortium) Northwestern Chicago Dartmouth (Consortium) Michigan (Consortium) Yale (Consortium) Berkeley (Consortium) Emory … Continue reading